A bit about Bellbrae Residents Association
We are a group of passionate local Bellbrae (and surrounds) residents who love our community and our local environment. We enjoy living in this beautiful part of the world and wish to support the community in advocating for sensitive development and preservation of the environment.
The Bellbrae Residents Association had its beginnings when a small group of locals rallied and responded to an inappropriate development plan in 1998. We are now an incorporated body with 40 paid members and a wider community reach through the Bellbrae Noticeboard. We have had success representing the views of the Bellbrae community when liaising with governmental bodies from the Surf Coast shire to state and Federal governments. The BRA also support diverse local groups and help to facilitate community initiatives. It is our belief that grassroots responses to local community issues are important and can affect outcomes. We support local groups as an auspice body for grant funding. Our community events are fun and or informative and have been well attended.
The current committee members are Jill Hyslop – President and Treasurer; Greg Davis – Secretary; Rowena Frost – Communications and Andy Bennett.
Contact: bellbraera@gmail.com